Today was an excellent day in the course of establishing our daily routine! Everyone got up on time, ate quickly, got to work on chores and we were done by 9am! I was so happy with the girls. After the chores were done, we read scriptures for 15 minutes and then whatever we wanted for a half hour.
Tonight, I read chapters two and three of
Charlotte’s Web
aloud to the family. Rebekah and Rose were attentive, but Rachel was being kind of a pain. Not sure what I can do to get a 2-year-old to be quiet during reading time at night. Will have to work on that. Robin (7 months) kept squealing during reading time, but it was nice to know she felt involved. After I finished, Dad read Mosiah 23 from the
Book of Mormon aloud to the family. Then it was time for family prayer and bed.
If we are able to follow the morning and bedtime routine everyday this week, then I will add journals (for penmanship) to the routine next week.
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