Each day we start with devotional, all of the children
participate regardless of age. We start with prayer and the pledge of
allegiance. Then I read aloud from the scriptures for 15 minutes. We rotate
through the books (Book of Mormon, Doctrine & Covenants, Pearl of GreatPrice, Old Testament, and New Testament). Then we work on their memorizationboxes. To finish out our group part of devotional, I read for 10 minutes from
whatever novel we're reading as a family.
Finally, the kids that can read do personal scripture study and record
their thoughts in their scripture journal.
Rachel is now five and so excited to officially start school. The state considers her a Kindergartener.
Currently, we're finishing up her alphabet - recognizing the letters and
knowing their sounds. We just use flash cards and StarFall.com. Once she has
that down, we're going to start using Learning to Read Using the Book ofMormon, Vol. 1 and The Ordinary Parents Guide to Teaching Reading. The BoM
teaches by memorizing sight words and Ordinary teaches phonics. BoM will count
as her personal scripture time each day at the end of devotional. She'll also
be starting Saxon math (grade K).
Rose is ten and considered a 5th grader. This fall she'll be
starting Saxon math (6/5) and Learning Language Arts Through Literature (PurpleBook). I like LLATL because it rolls all the L.A. lessons into one course.
She's also supposed to take an online tech class called Mobile Apps forBeginners. But she'll only be able to take that if we stay in Utah through an
online charter school called My Tech High. If we move to Kansas (waiting to
hear back on Dad's application), she won't be able to take that.
Rebekah will be 13 and considered to be in the 7th grade.
She will be taking Saxon math ( 8/7 w/ PreAlgebra), LLATL (Green Book), and
BYU-Independent Study (US History Part 1 & 2). If we stay in Utah, she'll
also be taking a Robotics LEGO course through My Tech High.
All of our school age kids do science and history together. Science is done 3x a week and history is
daily. We're using Real Science-4-Kids(Astronomy) and Story of the World (Vol. 1, Ancient Times) next year. I really
would like to try the Latter Day School's Family School program. But it's a bit
spendy ($500 per year) and you still have to purchase Story of the World, math
and language arts. But the idea of teaching all of my children together is very
appealing. Not to mention it was put together by an LDS group that runs a
private school based on gospel principles in the Provo area. And everyone that
has used it raves about it.
They also study Mandarin through Rosetta Stone, are learning
to play piano with the LDS church's keyboard course, and we have a family pass
to the local pool that we frequent several times a week. We have an hour and 15
minutes of reading time each day. Forty-five minutes is spent reading
literature that I assign (I use lists from Simply Charlotte Mason, The Well Trained Mind,
and Thomas Jefferson Ed). Thirty minutes is free reading. The girls can do their individual lessons in
any order they like. We typically do the
group lessons right before or after lunch.
After lunch and group lessons, we work together to get the house in
order. We also do another quick pick-up
right before bed so that everything is ready for the next day.
UPDATE: Doesn't look like Dad got the job in Kansas, so we'll be sticking with MTH for the school year. Yay! We changed Rebekah's history, though. Instead of using BYU Independent Study for American History, we're going to use a combination of two programs. We're going to do history through literature with Beautiful Feet's Early American and World History Jr. High Pack in conjunction with lapbooks from Homeschool in the Woods' Time Travelers New World Explorers bundle.
UPDATE: Doesn't look like Dad got the job in Kansas, so we'll be sticking with MTH for the school year. Yay! We changed Rebekah's history, though. Instead of using BYU Independent Study for American History, we're going to use a combination of two programs. We're going to do history through literature with Beautiful Feet's Early American and World History Jr. High Pack in conjunction with lapbooks from Homeschool in the Woods' Time Travelers New World Explorers bundle.
This will be my first year homeschooling 2 of my 3 girls - 4th and 6th - and I'm so happy to find someone else using LLATL and SOTW! I was wondering if you supplement LLATL with anything more than just more literature, or if it's enough? Thanks!
ReplyDeleteIn addition to the literature we read for LLATL, I also have books that I assign to the girls that they read for 30 minutes a day. As this is our first year using LLATL, I have not decided if we're going to supplement the grammar side of things or not. I may use Spelling City and free worksheets online in any areas I see the girls needing help in.